Table of Contents
No. 1 (Autumn 1986)
Gianni Vattimo: The Problem of Subjectivity from, Nietzsche to Heidegger, 5
Aldo Gargani: The Subject and Wonder, 23
Mario Perniola: Post-Political Styles, 37
Alessandro Dal Lago: The Demise of the Revolutionary Imaginary?, 47
Giorgio Agamben: The End of Thinking, 57
Martino Oberto: Art, 59
Adriano Spatola: Poems, 64
Ernesto Grassi: Vico as Epochal Thinker, 73
Giuseppe Sertoli: The Seductiveness of Literature, 91
Aldo Tagliaferri: Harold Bloom between Tradition and Innovation, 113
Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo: The New Sleep: Stasis and the
Image-Bound Environment, 123
Sara Hornbacher: Art, 126
Joseph Nechvatal: Art, 128
Ettore Bonessio di Terzet: Poems, 130
Augusto Ponzio: On the Methodics of Common Speech, 137
Giulia Niccolai: On the Work of Anna Malfaiera, 167
Michael J. Eula: Gramsci’s Views on Consent and its Basis as an Alternative
Political Route, 177
John Pad Russo: Logos and Transience in Franco Rella, 187
John Paul Russo: An Interview with Franco Rella, 225
Alberto Cappi: Soledad, 231
Flavio Ermini: Art, 234
Paolo Valesio: Poem, 240
Francis Wybrands: Re-thinking Thought, 249
Mark S. Roberts: Beyond Croce and Gramsci?, 255
Robert E. Innis: Language and the Play of Differences, 265
Joan Esposito: Once Upon a Time in Italian Cinema, 275
Rodger Friedman : After Deconstruction, 281
Massimo Gualtieri: Giuliano Della Casa: Repertory Miracles, 289
Giuliano Della Casa: Art, 290
José Jiménez: Sistema e ricerca in G. della Volpe by Ercole Romagna, 297
David U. Rasmussen: Language as Work and Trade by F. Rossi-Landi, 299
Luigi Rustichelli: Quattro studi sull’estetica del positivismo e altri scritti by Ennio
Scolari, 301
Massimo Verdicchio: La Svolta Testaule by Maurizio Ferraris, 303
Lucia Re: The Favorite Malice edited by Thomas J. Harrison, 305
Gary Hentzi: Writers and Society In Contemporary Italy edited by Michael Caesar
and Peter Hainsworth, 306
Luisa Villa: Signs Taken for Wonders by Franco Moretti, 308
Contributors, 312